Social networking

     In today's world, there are some connections between technology and social media but also there will be more new technologies develops to make new era of social media due to growing technology market. In NY, most of college students are attending their colleges by taking online classes right now due to COVID. We are able to take online courses from the technology that has developed this far. In my opinion, I thought it wouldn't work because not all students have same life. However, most people has a phone that able to do social media and that makes most students can take their online classes in these days. According to the Roy's article, in workplace right now, the technology tools are needed to work remotely and communication with employees to follow the updates. For example, Skype or Zoom will create important meetings with face to face communication. In this difficult time, many people are able to work and communicate from those technologies that can be used.

    In "dark side" of social media and technologies, I think it's giving too much information that we don't  need to know about it. Furthermore, you might engage with fake news. In fox's article, FBI are trying to prevent misinformation news to prevent bad outcomes from it. It is so easy and quick to spread just one new by seconds by Facebook and Instagram. Other dark side of social media and technologies is addiction. We are just checking our phones every few minutes that when it's unnecessary. We do need check our phone for works and communicate with family and friends but we are using the phone even we are having a conversation without looking. 

    I think these technologies aren't the problem itself. Yes, technology is changing how we live and so but we are the problem that not taking benefits correctly from it and needs to fix how we work with it productive.

The Future of Employee Engagement Is Digital by Braja Deepon Roy

FBI working with social media companies to stop the spread of misinformation by Jordan Hogan

The dark side of social media by Alicia Roopnaraine


  1. I agree with your idea. Without the development of social networks, it would not be possible to take classes online or work at home in response to the current Covid situation. Furthermore, I think we need to strengthen the grounds for legal punishment for fake news.


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